CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Apps

myEnergy 自主電能量 1.2.0
自主電能量 App 用電從此不一樣獲邀的特選用戶,請即下載自主電能量App,率先專享由您掌控的精明用電模式。由您掌控的自主用電新體驗緊貼用電資訊無間斷•隨時隨地查閱每月、每周及每日的用電情況*;•比較您的用電量;•獲得精明用電貼士,作出更明智的用電決定;•留意最新動態及推廣。*每小時之用電數據及詳細用量比較,只限於自主電能量網站內提供。客戶可於翌日下午瀏覽上一日之用電數據。自設用電上限提示•隨心自設個人化的用電上限,當用電量接近預設上限時,您將可透過電郵及/或短訊接收用電提示,控制電費更簡易。推動節能環保•適時詳盡的用電數據和用電上限提示,再配合更多精明用電新點子,都可鼓勵您改變用電習慣,助您開展精明環保生活。(備註: 此手機應用程式須以「自主電能量」之帳戶登入,並且只適用於參與「自主電能量」之特選客戶。) myEnergy App – myEnergy. Like Never BeforeSelected customers can stay informed of theirelectricityconsumption information anytime, anywhere, bydownloading themyEnergy App now!Power in Your HandsSeamless communication to help you keep track of yourenergyconsumption, you can:•Access your monthly, weekly or daily energy consumptioninformationanytime, anywhere*;•View your consumption comparisons;•Access energy-smart tips;•Keep track of latest news and promotion.*Data on hourly energy use and detailed consumptioncomparisonsare available only on the myEnergy website, with theprevious daysinformation being available the followingafternoon.Set your own consumption-level alerts•You can receive customised alerts via email and/or SMS whenenergyusage approaches your preselected consumption level, enablingyoubetter manage the family and business expenses.Promoting energy efficiency and conservation•You can make smarter and greener lifestyle choices bytakingcontrol of your electricity consumption with the support oftimelyand meaningful information, customised consumption alertsandenergy-smart tips.(Note: This mobile app requires a myEnergy customer logonaccountand is targeted for selected customers only.)
超人中中 Power Kid App 1.9.5
Superman Secondary School 4-person group Lead children on a journeyof carbon reduction, learn low-carbon knowledge and explore ways toachieve carbon neutrality.